Hammers Hule

#S3E9 - Claus Steinlein

The former professional footballer and now head of FC Midtjylland's football academy, Claus Steinlein, is today a guest in the Hammers cave. Clubs such as AaB, AGF and Ikast FS have all had the pleasure of meeting the happy Bornholm native. However, his love fell for the Midlands, and during Steinlein's time at the helm, FC Midtjylland has undergone a major transformation, from a small fusion club to one of Denmark's leading football teams. Come inside the cave and get a unique insight into who Claus Steinlein is as he talks about his childhood, upbringing and how his roots have helped shape the strategy FCM is built on today. You can also hear Frans and Claus talk about talent environments, because are we really good enough or do we throw gold at the street too often?

Matilde Brixen

August 28, 2022